

Checks APC UPSs parameters using the “acpuspd” utility.

Current Version

Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x




Project Files
Project Notes
A Nagios plugin to monitor APC Smart UPS’s forked from Ben Shepard’s check_apcupsd_ng Features: Checks battery charge, temperature, load, runtime remaining, battery voltage, line voltage, output voltage and line frequency, ALL TOGETHER. Also provides performance data for all checks. Installation: Install and configure apcupsd and ensure you can access stats from your UPS with the apcaccess command. Copy the plugin to your Nagios plugins directory (i.e. where you can find the "utils.sh" script) and make it executable. Example Nagios configs are documented in the plugin file. Run the script without parameters to get full usage info. Latest news: * doesn'issue a warning in case of "self test" (only for battery level under the "warning" threshold) * when selecting "all" tests, you can exclude specific tests
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Works but...
by helge000, March 31, 2012

Funny. I wanted to do this myself but then I found this script. Nice! Saved some work. I had to heavily modify it to fit my needs though. Code error: Line 187 change to: -a "$ARG" != "outputv" -a "$ARG" != "linefreq" -a "$ARG" != "all" -a "$ARG" != "battdate"] -> battdate was missing And Line frequency; in- and out voltage are doing a "Max Value exceeded" check. This makes no sense; since I want to check for minimum values. So I changed the "-ge" evals to "-le" and remove sanity checks altogether; I could do so since this plugin can just replace the old check command. In my opinion its much to verbose; maybe add a -v option do get rid of the $MSG? I set this var as empty string.

Missing utils.sh
by jisakiel, February 29, 2012

It doesn't run as it is missing an imported shell script, utils.sh.

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2.3 (3)