
Check ZFS file systems and data pools


check zfs file system and zfs data pools

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 15, 2009

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Project Notes
This will check zfs datapools and the reservation and quota settings on zfs file systems. to check the reservations and quotas you have to use -f and -q options together. Thi will also checka single datapool of file system See help -h) form more details.
Reviews (4) Add a Review
Problem with solaris 11
by toni_comerma, December 31, 2013

Good check, but the script has problems checking zpools with solaris 11, as a new column has been added: DEDUP. I've made a change into get_zpool_data() and it worked. next if (/^NAMEs+SIZEs+USEDs+AVAILs+CAPs+DEDUPs+HEALTHs+ALTROOT/); my ( $pool, $size, $used, $avail, $cap, $dedup, $health, $altroot ) = split( /s+/, $_ ); #@{$pools{$pool}} = ($pool, $size, $used, $avail, $cap, $health, $altroot); $zpools{$pool} = { size => "$size", used => "$used", avail => "$avail", cap => "$cap", dedup => "$dedup", health => "$health", altroot => "$altroot", }; I expect it could be useful for others.

Detailed output.
by nix, June 30, 2011

Yes, We are getting only this output. "OK: ZFS on testsystem - No zfs failures detected" can we get more detailed output for ZPOOL and DATASET. No need of hostname in output. Ex: OK ZPOOL rpool : ONLINE {Size:149G Used:5.73G Avail:143G Cap:3% Dedup:1.00x}

NRPE: Unable to read output
by fabio79rm, April 30, 2011

Hello thanks for the check, it works locally on my Solaris10 box also for the nagios user without sudo configurations, so I updated my nrpe.cfg with a line like: command[check_zfs_pools]=/opt/csw/libexec/nagios-plugins/ -p but Nagios side when it doesn't work: [root@t3nagios ~]# /opt/nagios-plugins/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H t3fs11 -c check_zfs_pools NRPE: Unable to read output please some clues ? many thanks, fabio

Printing detailed output
by solaris, April 30, 2011

Thanks for an excellent job, makes it much easier to monitor zfs using nagios. One question How to print detailed output? We always get result like OK: ZFS on testsystem - No zfs failures detected Can we print zpool names, free space etc? Thanks

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