Backup and Recovery

Check Windows Backup Log


Monitoring Microsoft Windows Backup Status from Nagios with NRPE and NSClient++

Current Version

Last Release Date

February 5, 2015

Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x



Project Notes
# For Windows 2012 Copy script check_backup.ps1 in NSClient++ scripts folder on Windows Server Client Edit NSC.ini (config file for NSclient++) and add in section [External Scripts] check_backup=cmd /c echo scriptscheck_backup_win2012.ps1; exit($LastExitCode) | powershell.exe -command - Authorize remote scripts execution In powershell (Run as Admin) execute this command Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned Restart service NSClient++ On powershell Restart-Service NSClientpp Enable feature .NET Framework DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 #For Windows Server 2008 Copy script check_backup.ps1 in NSClient++ scripts folder on Windows Server Client Edit NSC.ini (config file for NSclient++) and add in section [External Scripts] check_backup=cmd /c echo scriptscheck_backup.ps1; exit($LastExitCode) | powershell.exe -command - Authorize remote scripts execution In powershell (Run as Admin) execute this command Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned Restart service NSClient++ On powershell Restart-Service NSClientpp Enable feature .NET Framework DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 # Debug To view events logs in powershell you can use command Get-WinEvent @{Path = "C:WindowsSystem32winevtLogsMicrosoft-Windows-Backup.evtx" } For only view specific events add Level parameter: Example for warning events Get-WinEvent @{Path = "C:WindowsSystem32winevtLogsMicrosoft-Windows-Backup.evtx" ; Level = 3} Levels: 1,2 : Critical 3 : Warnings For success status use parameter ID = 4 On Windows server 2012 simply use command : get-wbjob -previous 1
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