
Check Window Process


Checks if a Windows Service is running.

Current Version

Last Release Date

January 8, 2013

Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI


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Project Notes
Check if a Windows process is up and running. You can also define values to be alerted in case it takes more RAM or CPU than expected Two parameters are mandatory: -process name to monitor -/Replace - The possible values are YES or NO. As some Nagios platforms are not able to handle parameters containing space, it must be replaced by a "". In case this parameters is defined as YES, replace "_" by " " before check the Windows Service Example: Check_Proc.vbs "The_Test.exe" /Replace:YES -> It will check for a Windows Service called "The Test.exe" Check_Proc.vbs "The_Test.exe" /Replace:NO /CPU:10 ->It will check for a Windows Service called "The_Test.exe" and raise a warning in case it takes more than 10% of CPU It's possible to define warning alert in case the process overpass certain level of CPU or Memory. To enable this feature, provide the following parameters -/CPU:Value - Percentage of the CPU -/Memory:Value - Ammount of maximum memory allocated allowed
Reviews (2) Add a Review
answer @konfucio
by endstille, July 31, 2015

please, help me with your Check_Proc plugin by konfucio, April 16, 2015 You after putting the script in your NSClient's /scripts directory, you have to adjust your nsclient.ini You should add a area like this: [/settings/external scripts/scripts] check_proc_vbs = cscript.exe //T:120 //NoLogo scriptsCheck_Proc.vbs Then you can use it through Nagios like this: /usr/local/nagios/libexec$ ./check_nrpe -H %HOSTADDRESS% -p 5666 -4 -c alias_proc_vbs "Explorer.exe" But i have to add, that i cannot run it as well, it always stats: Usage: Check_Proc.vbs Service_Name /Replace:Attribute /Cpu:value Attribute value can be YES or NO. In case yes, it will replace _ by blank space No matter what parameter i use to check a process. Greetings Marc

please, help me with your Check_Proc plugin
by konfucio, April 30, 2015

First of all , thank you for this aportacion to nagios exchange. I have problems with the syntax in the nsclient.ini file- I work with nagios core 4.0.8 and NSClient++ (2012). If i write this in nsclient.ini file: "alias_check_proc = cscript.exe /NoLogo Check_Proc.vbs "chrome.exe" /Replace:NO /CPU:10 /Memory:80". nagios core show me this error: "No handler for command: alias_check_proc " (UNKNOWN) If i write this: "alias_check_proc = Check_Proc.vbs "chrome.exe" /Replace:NO /CPU:10 /Memory:80", nagios show me this: "Check_Proc.vbs not found " (CRITICAL) If i write this: "alias_check_proc = Check_Proc.vbs "chrome.exe" /Replace:NO /CPU:10 /Memory:80", nagios show me this: "No handler for command: alias_check_proc " (UNKNOWN). And if i write this: "alias_check_proc = Check_Proc.vbs "chrome.exe" //Replace:NO //CPU:10 //Memory:80", nagios show me this: "Error de entrada: Opci?n desconocida "//Replace:NO" especificada. " (WARNING). thank you so much

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