Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Check Usage information on Internode Internet connections


Google GO script to query Internode Internet Australia’s public API. Information like used download bytes, quota. This script is registered with Internode, so please do not change it without informing me or Internode.

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x



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Project Notes
Internode Internet in Australia has a public API which returns an XML page of the current Internet Connection. Information like used download bytes, quota and percent used. Based on my previous check_usage_adam.go, this Google Go script will query your account info and can be used to monitor various indicators, our favorite and reason to create this, is percentage download usage. See the script for detailed info and usage. The script, check_usage_internode.go should be copied to the Nagios plugins lib folder (in Ubuntu: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins) and compiled with go build check_usage_internode.go. The second file I posted is the Nagios config file needed to be able to run the script, see check_usage_internode.cfg. This file lives in the Nagios-plugins config folder, in our system that is /etc/nagios-plugins/config. The third file, Check_Internode.cfg, is an example of the router configuration file in Nagios. This is where the command in the previous config file is called. Please note that the arguments to the check script are all case-sensitive! You can also run this script on your Windows PC, provided you have installed the Google Go language, see Also your linux machine need this language installed (apt-get install golang). Update 0.2: Found that the return codes are not transferred the way we ran this script and that we better compile the script (see comment in script). Config file is also changed. Also added "days to go" after the usage_percent. Update 0.3: Internode now has unlimited plans whereby the quote = 0. Have fun with this and unfortunately this script is registered with Internode and should not be modified without letting me know. You can always register yourself with Internode if you so wish.
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