Tape Drives and Libraries

Check Oracle StorageTek ACSLS


A Nagius plugin to check Oracle StorageTek ACSLS status.
Written in BASH and is intended to run on the ACSLS host.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI



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Project Notes
Installation instructions: This should run on the ACSLS host. The NRPE client should be running with group id acsls because of permissions. To accomplish this, modify this line in nrpe.cfg: nrpe_group=acsls and restart nrpe. Then, depending on which OS is used, the bash interpreter line should be modified: #!/usr/bin/bash # (Solaris) #--!/bin/bash # (Linux) # (Use the applicable line) The script defaults to Solaris settings. Also check if the path to the ACSLS environment file is correct: ACSLSENV=/var/tmp/acsls/.acsls_env Lastly copy check_acsls to /opt/nagios/libexec (Solaris default) and modify your nrpe.cfg, for example: command[check_acsls]=/opt/nagios/libexec/check_acsls $ARG1$ $ARG2% The plugin has been tested on Solaris 10 with ACSLS 8.3.0 and on Solaris 11 with ACSLS 8.5.0. It *should* work on Linux as well but this is currently untested. The plugin has been tested with SL8500 libraries but should also work on other SL libraries as long as ACSLS is used. Usage: check_acsls <-l,--lsm|-s,--services|-p,--ports|-w,--watchvols,-h,--help> A Nagios plugin to check Oracle StorageTek ACSLS status. Options: --lsm, -l Checks for any LSMs in offline (critical) or recovery (warning) state --ports, -p Checks for offline ports (one warning two critical) --services, -s Checks if ACSDB and ACSLS services are running --watchvols, -w Checks if watch_vols is running --help, -h Print this help text. Known bug: --long option format currently does not work on Solaris.
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