Version 2.1 adds –temperature, –cell, and –string options.
NAME check_cellwatch – Pull and evaluate data from two tables displayed on the main Cellwatch Monitoring system webpage at http://IP/System =head1 VERSION
This documentation refers to check_cellwatch version 2.0
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Several standard Perl libraries are required for this program to function. LWP::UserAgent, HTTP::Request::Common, use HTML::TableExtract, Nagios::Plugin::Threshold, and POSIX
USAGE -H –timeout (–battery | –system)
REQUIRED ARGUMENTS –battery or –system. –battery requires –warning and/or –critical.
EXAMPLES $ -H X.X.X.X –system –battery –warning 500:560,-10:5 –critical 400:580,-15:10
Check both the Overall system table and the Battery table. If all values in the system table are “OK”, the plugin will return those elements as OK. If any are something other than OK, the plugin will return just those elements as a WARNING. The same goes for the –battery option, with the exception of the “Volts” and “Amps” columns. Thresholds are applied to the integer values returned from those cells. In the above example if the voltage is outside the range 500-560 a WARNING is returned, and if the voltage is outside the range 400-580 a CRITICAL condition is returned. Similar logic is applied to the amps, having a WARNING range of -10 to 5 and a CRITICAL range -15 to 10.
In my case, this would return:
OK – System Voltage:OK Current:OK Temperature:OK Ohmic-Value:OK Battery: XYZ UPS-1 Voltage:OK Current:OK Temperature:OK Ohmic-Value:OK Volts:515.6 Amps:-3 Battery: EH093BAA09 UPS-2 Voltage:OK Current:OK Temperature:OK Ohmic-Value:OK Volts:514.4 Amps:-5
For testing I would do something like this: $ -H X.X.X.X –system –battery –warning 500:560,-10:5 –critical 515:580,-15:10
Which would return:
CRITICAL – Battery: XYZ UPS-2 Volts:514.4
$ -H X.X.X.X –cell
WARNING – XXX_UPS-2:/STRING-2: Cell_35:14.81v (HIGH)
In this example the script is looking at every cell in every string on every battery. In total I have 240 cells and it doesn’t take very long. I have a cell here which is at 14.81 volts, which is .01 above the defined high threshold in cellwatch. That’s where the (HIGH) comes from. If it were below the low threshold it would say (LOW).
$ -H X.X.X.X –string
WARNING – XXX_UPS-2:/STRING-2: Voltage:553.9(Alarmed)
I think in this case the overally string voltage is not a problem, but the fact that there is a cell in alarm causes the overall string to report an Alarm as well. More testing and development needed.
See: For Nagios threshold examples
BUGS, LIMITATIONS, INCOMPATIBILITES None. If you experience any problems please contact me. (eric.schoeller coloradoDOTedu)
AUTHOR Eric Schoeller (eric.schoeller coloradoDOTedu)
LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2017 Eric Schoeller (eric.schoeller coloradoDOTedu). All rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See L.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
Eric Schoeller
GPL version 1.0 version 2.0 version 2.1
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