This Plugin is for checking the kernel message queues. Will return a critical result if more than 1 queue of the same owner exists. WARNING and/or CRITICAL thresholds can be defined on the number of message found in the queue. These need to be the second and/or third arguments of the plugin in the format w_nm:integer for warning and c_nm:integer for critical. Critical does not require warning and vice versa however critical value must be larger than warning value. Example: w_nm:1000 c_nm:5000 The plugin is just a bash script. Usage: box293_check_message_queue [owner_name] [w_nm:integer] [c_nm:integer] Example: box293_check_message_queue nagios w_nm:1000 c_nm:5000 CRITICAL: 3 message queues for the user nagios detected (CRITICAL > 1), Number Of Messages (Total) = 0, Used Bytes (Total) = 0B|Queues=3;;2 Queue_Messages_Total=0 Queue_Used_Bytes_Total=0B;;;0;131072000 Notes: If you don’t know what a kernel message queue is or if you use them, this command will show you: ipcs -q —— Message Queues ——– key msqid owner perms used-bytes messages 0xbd000002 1736704 nagios 600 0 0 Also, if you want to rely on being alerted when there is more than 1 queue for the owner then you will need to run this plugin from another Nagios instance (like via NPRE or check_by_ssh).
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
Nagios Exchange
The plugin
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