
AWS ECS cluster monitor


Get metrics of AWS ECS cluster Memory & CPU.

Author: Asaf Shabat

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 4.x


Project Notes
Objective Get metrics of AWS ECS cluster Memory & CPU. Usage ./ [-h] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--metricname METRICNAME] [--clustername CLUSTERNAME] [--servicename SERVICENAME] [--period PERIOD] [--statistics STATISTICS] [--unit UNIT] [--ok_threshold OK_THRESHOLD] [--warning_threshold WARNING_THRESHOLD] [--critical_threshold CRITICAL_THRESHOLD] Arguments -h, --help Show this help message and exit --namespace NAMESPACE CloudWatch namespaces are containers for metrics. For example: AWS/ECS --metricname METRICNAME Metrics are data about the performance of your systems. For example: MemoryUtilization --clustername CLUSTERNAME This dimension filters the data you request for all resources in a specified cluster. --period PERIOD A period is the length of time associated with a specific Amazon CloudWatch statistic. For example: to specify a period of 5 minutes, use 300 as the period value. --statistics STATISTICS Statistics are metric data aggregations over specified periods of time. For example: Average --unit UNIT Each statistic has a unit of measure. For example: Percent --ok_threshold OK_THRESHOLD Threshold which reflects the OK status value. (Recommended threshold: 70) --warning_threshold WARNING_THRESHOLD Threshold which reflects the Warning status value. (Recommended threshold: 70) --critical_threshold CRITICAL_THRESHOLD Threshold which reflects the Critical status value. (Recommended threshold: 80)
Reviews (1) Add a Review
How to resolve Region issues
by sreejith.g, January 31, 2022

Could you suggest to use this plugin for multiple region. Right now its work for only default region

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