APC Extra Device Monitoring


This plugin monitors several APC power and air conditioning units for most pertinent information. Includes support for ACRC and ACSC In-row AC units, NetBotz main sensors, and 3-phase rack PDUs.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 23, 2009

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Project Notes
Nagios plugin - 05.03.07 Paul Venezia This plugin monitors several APC power and air conditioning units for most pertinent information. Usage: ./ -H -C -p -w -c Parameters: * APC NetBotz * nbmstemp NetBotz main sensor temp * nbmshum NetBotz main sensor humidity * nbmsairflow NetBotz main sensor airflow * APC Metered Rack PDU (3 phase) * rpduamps Amps on each phase * APC ACSC In-Row * acscstatus System status (on/standby) * acscload Cooling load * acscoutput Cooling output * acscsupair Supply air * acscairflow Air flow * acscracktemp Rack inlet temp * acsccondin Condenser input temp * acsccondout Condenser outlet temp * APC ACRC In-Row * acrcstatus System status (on/standby) * acrcload Cooling load * acrcoutput Cooling output * acrcairflow Air flow * acrcracktemp Rack inlet temp * acrcsupair Supply air * acrcretair Return air * acrcfanspeed Fan speed * acrcfluidflow Fluid flow * acrcflenttemp Fluid entering temp * acrcflrettemp Fluid return temp
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Change from F to C
by michael.luczkow, January 31, 2015

Before: 'acrcracktemp' => { 'label' => 'Rack Inlet Temp', 'unit' => 'C', 'oid' => '.', 'cdef' => '$val * .10' }, After: 'acrcracktemp' => { 'label' => 'Rack Inlet Temp', 'unit' => 'C', 'oid' => '.', 'cdef' => '(($val * .10) - 32) * 5/9' },

not working
by Confisio, August 31, 2013

all the inrow and pdu services not working! Please fix it! It is amazing ideal to be all-in-one but have to work as well..

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4.3 (3)