RAID Controllers

Adaptec RAID Check by Anchor Systems


Check the health of an Adaptec raid controller using /usr/StorMan/arcconf Checks the following: Logical device status, Controller status, Failed & Degraded drives. If the battery is present: Charging status, Est of charge time left, Charge left %. And removes the log file “UcliEvt.log” that is dropped into the CWD when /usr/StorMan/arcconf is run.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 11, 2009

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Project Notes
Check the health of an Adaptec raid controller using /usr/StorMan/arcconf Checks the following: Logical device status Controller status Failed & Degraded drives If battery present: Charging status Est of charge time left Charge left % And removes the log file "UcliEvt.log" that is dropped into the CWD when /usr/StorMan/arcconf is run. Add this to your "/etc/sudoers" file using visudo "nagios ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/StorMan/arcconf GETCONFIG 1 *" ## On RHEL & possibly others ## Disable "Defaults requiretty" in /etc/sudoers otherwise the command will not run via NRPE. Add this to your checkcommands.cfg define command { command_name check_aacraid command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_aacraid } Add this to your servicedefs.cfg define service { use low-service-level name aacraid-service service_description aacraid check_command check_aacraid register 0 notification_interval 3600 } Add the service define service { use aacraid-service host_name host-with-crap-adaptec-crud contact_groups upset-admin } And on the host you will be checking add this to nrpe.cfg command[check_aacraid]=/usr/local/sbin/
Reviews (5) Add a Review
Nice check, needs a few updates
by stefanlasiewski, April 30, 2014

I'm pleased with this update but I had to modify the python code to replace the deprecated classes os.popen4 . I wish these projects were on github so that we could contribute fixes.

Update recommended
by mwellnitz, December 31, 2011

Good tool. But i got an DeprecationWarning: os.popen4 is deprecated. DeprecationWarning: os.popen4 is deprecated. Please add this changes: * after the includes from subprocess import PIPE, Popen * change line 47 to: for line in Popen(["/usr/bin/sudo","/usr/StorMan/arcconf" , "GETCONFIG","1","LD"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True).stdout: * change line 60 to: for line in Popen(["/usr/bin/sudo","/usr/StorMan/arcconf" , "GETCONFIG","1","AD"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True).stdout: And no Depricated warnungs will appear at ubuntu 10.04 LTS Thanks for your good tool PS: switching to WARNING State when Battery is loading creates too much messages. So i deleted that Feature (quick and dirty): [...] if == "Charging": #if check_status

Python: popen4 should no longer be used
by, July 31, 2011

Find a patched version here:

Tweak: arrconf for Solaris located at /opt/StorMan/arcconf
by skayser, April 30, 2010

Thanks for this comprehensive check. I have tweaked the script so that it can also deal with arcconf on Solaris which is located under /opt/StorMan (not /usr/StorMan), plus added a readable version of the Nagios status code to the output. I don't know how patches are handled around here, so I have uploaded a small patch to in the meantime. Would you mind merging it? Sebastian

No need for global requiretty
by SupaDucta, October 31, 2009

Thanks for the working and most useful plugin :) One small suggestion, though. There is no need for disabling requiretty globally: Defaults requiretty Much safer and tighter is to disable requiretty only for the user nagios runs as: nagios ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/StorMan/arcconf GETCONFIG 1 * Defaults:nagios !requiretty

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