Nagios plugins for monitoring Windows systems.
Showing 101-110 of 125 results.
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This plugin recalculate the Used Memory of Windows Process to MB. The Values will get check_nt - COUNTER Query. The Plugin Output is Nagios Devel…
For Smart Array cciss family (6i 5i) on windows server using snmp community.
This script is based on linux version from nsca packet. Script sends the passive checks to NSCA host (like the linux version do) Script need…
Nagios Toolbox for Windows host supports my daily work. It is a early version and still be in development. It is used to copy a…
The Nagios Plugin Collection is a set of scripts for the Nagios monitoring project to check the status off various system components. Please release these…
This check was designed to give greater control over the eventlog messages that do and do not get checked. There are many advanced options, here…
Based on the script posted here by jakubowski Benjamin, this enhanced version: * prints usage information if incorrect parameters are given * handles exceptions…
checks if you have enough licenses free on your citrix licenseserver. Please check from your licenseserver. please enter values for warning and errorlevel. Usage: check_ctx_licensserver…
Based on Peter Stimpels plugin - unkinked to work with ePN (use strict and -w)
This is designed to be used with NRPE_NT. This code is released under GNU GPL (.net based) and requires Dynamics Ax 4.0 with the .Net…
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