Websites, Forms and Transactions

Nagios plugins for monitoring websites, web forms, and web transactions.

Showing 31-40 of 65 results.

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Websites, Forms and Transactions

- Works with both integrated NTML and forms based authentication. - returns site page load times (with perfmon output). - warning and/or critical thresholds can…

4.3 (10) License: GPL by: Michael van den Berg
Websites, Forms and Transactions

DESCRIPTION: The principal object of is to give stats about the time a complete webpage takes to load. You can monitor your own webpages…

4.8 (15) License: GPL by: Alejandro Gascon
Websites, Forms and Transactions
html form

This script requires that you know a bit about html and the way it works I have tried to document this as best I can…

License: GPL by: Tim
Websites, Forms and Transactions
Check ntlm authentication -u -l -p (-c -w -e -v) -u # url string to run basic auth against do not prefix with http or https -l…

4 (3) License: GPL by: Tim
Websites, Forms and Transactions
Monitoring URL shorteners

There are different scenarios why you should check the functionality of your URL shortener. For example a new VirtualHost on your webserver or some DB-changes…

License: GPL by: Martin Scharm
Websites, Forms and Transactions
License: GPL by: Camille
Websites, Forms and Transactions
check_memcached IV

check_memcached will give a critical message if a partiular memcached host is inaccessible. It will generate a warning (only) if the hit/miss ratio falls below…

License: GPL by: George Hansper
Websites, Forms and Transactions
check curl authenticate

Based on CURL check script and check_curl2 here on Nagios Exchange. Adds support for any authentication method that curl supports (check under the CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH…

Websites, Forms and Transactions

#!/bin/bash # VERSION 0.2 # A simple BASH shell script that attempts to log into # Microsoft Sharepoint URL and evaluate header information # for…