Websites, Forms and Transactions

Nagios plugins for monitoring websites, web forms, and web transactions.

Showing 11-20 of 65 results.

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Websites, Forms and Transactions – automate a website navigation is a plugin allowing automation of web navigation through the definition of a list of steps to be performed. It is based upon LWP::UserAgent…

5 (1) License: Other by: Giacomo Montagner
Websites, Forms and Transactions

This is a Plugin to check websites with http or https, including proxy support. It has the ability to search for strings in the returning…

License: GPL by: Tom K. Erb
Websites, Forms and Transactions

This is a simple Nagios Plugin which starts a Selenium JSON script. It requires Selenium Grid and SeInterpreter. Currently, it outputs only OK or CRITICAL.…

License: MIT by: Roland Rickborn
Websites, Forms and Transactions
http-json – Rule based JSON parser via http(s)

Installation Requirements Nagios Python Nagios Configuration Assuming a standard installation of Nagios, the plugin can be executed from the machine that Nagios is running on.…

5 (1) License: Apache by: Drew Kerrigan
Websites, Forms and Transactions

check_cas is used to authenticate to a CAS (Central Authentication Service) server via an HTTP(S) POST of credentials (ie username and password).

License: MIT by: Shawn Sustaita
Websites, Forms and Transactions

anders@nagios:~$ /usr/local/lib/nagios/plugins/check_varnish_misses Use -u at /usr/local/lib/nagios/plugins/check_varnish_misses line 17.

License: BSD by: Anders Nordby
Websites, Forms and Transactions
License: GPL by: Adrien
Websites, Forms and Transactions

Check website accessibility by return code and execution time. - specific URL support - ssl option - alternative port - fake user agent - proxy…

4 (6) License: MIT by: Antonino Catinello
Websites, Forms and Transactions
check website access

Usage: check_website -u [-C ] [-w ] [-c ] -C, --code=STRING default : 200 -u, --url=STRING the url of the website to check -w, --warning=STRING…