Websites, Forms and Transactions

Nagios plugins for monitoring websites, web forms, and web transactions.

Showing 1-10 of 65 results.

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Websites, Forms and Transactions

Plugin takes a URL and extracts content from it using the provided regex. The matching logic looks at the first matching substring so regex must…

Websites, Forms and Transactions

Usage example ------------------- $ ./ -- -c 1 -r 1 OK: 3 transactions with no alerts. | 'Transactions'=3hits 'Availability'=100.00%;100:;1: 'Elapsed time'=0.30s 'Data transferred'=0.02MB 'Response…

License: MIT by: Paweł Suwiński
Websites, Forms and Transactions
check_selenium_docker 2.0
License: GPL by: Paweł Suwiński
Websites, Forms and Transactions

Workflow * Install Selenium IDE for Chrome ( * Record your test. * Export the test and copy the .side file to the server that…

3.6 (7) License: GPL by: Johannes Dagemark
Websites, Forms and Transactions
JSON Wizard

1.2.1 ------ -verbiage added -String check statuses changed from fields to drop downs 1.2 ------ -Added service field -Fixed some logic -Cleaned up code a…

Websites, Forms and Transactions

Check a web page contents for specific search terms. Built on check_curl2 posted on Nagios Exchange by nagiosexchange. Added capability to define authentication type, number…

License: GPL by: Miguel
Websites, Forms and Transactions
Web Ressource Monitor

**check_links** is quit powerful, as it can monitor * availability of webpages * content delivery * uptime of web servers * content negotiation * etc…

License: GPL by: Martin Scharm
Websites, Forms and Transactions
Check IIS Websites and AppPools

SYNOPSIS Check IIS Website and AppPool status. DESCRIPTION Check IIS Website and AppPool status and try to start stopped ones. PARAMETER Websites Websites to check…

License: GPL by: Juan Granados
Websites, Forms and Transactions
W3C Validation Check

Nagios Plugin to check the W3C conformity of a website. The Plugin returns a Warning, when at least 1 error occurred in the validation Example…

License: Apache by: Markus Walther