Web Interfaces

Web interfaces – both addons to and full-blown replacements for the Nagios web interface.

Showing 41-50 of 58 results.

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CGI Modifications
Enhanced Host Search

AJAXified search box * What it does: this is a small enhancement to the "show host" box in the nagios side menu which provides a…

Web Interfaces
Nagios CZECH Translation (CGIs)

In this project are some scripts with CZECH translation of Nagios-frontend. Currently is only beta-version available (currently without bugs), but next "stable" release will be…

Web Interfaces
PHP Nagios Traceroute and Ping

My place of work pretty much demanded the need for the monitoring guys (i.e. people that stare at the screen, waiting for red things) to…

Web Interfaces

NagIncidents gets the status information out of the ndo db. Since the Version 0.9.2 it is possible to filter the information by hostgroup and to…

Web Interfaces
Web Interfaces

It builds upon Nagios, eluna, rrdtool and other tools that are a standard part of nearly every unix sysadmin's toolkit. It doesn't attempt to collect…

Web Interfaces
nagioschecker – Firefox Addon

In the extension settings dialog simply fill the start page URL of your Nagios web interface, eg. http://www.yourfirm.com/nagios/ and let the button to locate status…

Web Interfaces
Nagios Dashboard – PHP

Created in PHP, requires PHP5 be installed on your Nagios box. Put script in /var/www and point your web browser to your http://nagios box/nagios.php We…

3.8 (6) by: egalstad
Web Interfaces
Dashboard 0.2.1 – Python

Author: Franjo Stipanovic - fritz [fritzfs@gmail.com] Updated by: Mark Holm - markh/oneobserver [markh@infoarch.com] DashBoard enables you to create custom page (create & edit on-the-fly) with…

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