Web Interfaces

Web interfaces – both addons to and full-blown replacements for the Nagios web interface.

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Web Interfaces
NagiosTV for Nagios 4

Some of the features: - New items slide in and out of place with smooth animations which looks really cool when things are happening. -…

4.5 (2) by: Chris Carey
Themes and Skins
Nagios 4 Dark Theme
4.2 (5) License: Apache by: Russ Cook
Themes and Skins
Nagios Core Dark Theme only CSS
Web Interfaces
LiveBoard dashboard

LiveBoard is a real-time alerts dashboard for Nagios XI. This docker-based dashboard will display non-OK states of nagios check results. You may have several LiveBoards…

CGI Modifications
This plugin allows a search for services

Find your nagios location, usually /usr/local/nagios then add the html code from the search.txt to side.php below the Quicksearch block. The side.php is usually in…

4 (1) License: GPL by: Nagios
Web Interfaces
Simple Nagios PHP Dashboard

About ========== Simple Nagios PHP Dashboard (SNPD) is the light Web Interface for the Nagios 4.1.0+. It's using Nagios JSON API to get status of…

Web Interfaces

NetMap4Nagios is a visualization addon for Nagios and front-end for system Nagios. You can import hostgroups and servicegroups from Nagios, create customer map of network,…

License: GPL by: Mariusz
Web Interfaces
Birdseye time format

In Order to have Birdseye in NagiosXI Display 24h Format instead of 12h Change the Following Block in /usr/local/nagiosxi/html/includes/components/birdseye/includes/main.js _________________________________before: function update_clock() { var time…

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