VPN Software

Nagios plugins for monitoring VPN software.

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VPN Software

Uses sacli to get licensed connections, licence usage and checks for licence expiry. (LicUsage, VPNSummary or LICexpire) This check needs to be run locally via…

5 (1) License: GPL by: Andrew Stringer
VPN Software
4 (2) License: GPL by: Charles Williams
VPN Software
Daniel van den Oord

Usage: check_racoon --ip endpointip Usage: check_racoon --help Usage: check_racoon --version

VPN Software

local_env nagios-l2p-check nagios-l2p.cfg readme

VPN Software
OpenVPN connnected users

Not really a project, just a solution. Search the WIKI for OpenVPN. http://www.nagiosexchange.org/Wiki_Home.wiki.0.html?&tx_drwiki_pi1[keyword]=OpenVPN%20users%20OID

VPN Software

The -H [IP or hostname of the openvpn server] and -p options [port of the openvpn server] are always obligatory. If plugin can be connected…

VPN Software
check_openvpn (hoschie)

**Required:** OpenVPN 2.0+ status logfile v2 in your server config just add: status /path/to/logfile status-version 2 **Usage:** ./check_openvpn.php CommonName **Results in:** VPN IP, Connected since,…

VPN Software

This plugin checks the OpenVPN status file for logged in users. Works only with OpenVPN Version higher or equal 2.0

VPN Software

This plugin can check various operating aspects of OpenVPN running on a local or remote system by using the TCP based management server. It can…

VPN Software
check_remote (ping_remote)

You may wish to monitor the status of a tunnel via NRPE_NT's cmd facility when your NAGIOS server is also remote from the server. Steps…

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