Nagios plugins for monitoring VMWare systems (e.g. ESX).
Showing 21-30 of 72 results.
Sort by: Default Name (A-Z) Name (Z-A) Date (Oldest) Date (Newest) Comment Count (Most) Comment Count (Least) Random - based on written by Andrew Sullivan - check if ntp service running - check clock offset - check number of peer #…
I've written this plugin just to discover how many Snapshot are active on our virtual infrastructure. The body of the mail will contains: - the…
This scripts checks the status of the NTP daemon on a specified ESX host. Status is OK if the NTP client is running, and CRITCAL…
This script checks for the installation of VMware Tools on a guest VM. The status is OK if VMware Tools is installed, and CRITICAL if…
You can download the latest version and see the full documentation on GitHub. ---------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: Just copy the file into your Nagios plugin directory.…
The script was inspired by "minuti_keytech"'s script check_esx_snapshot. Usage: $0 [esxi_hostname] [warn] [crit] [snapage] where [warn] and [crit] are the allowed numbers of snapshots and…
Nagios script for checking the existence of orphaned snapshots. - Tested with ESXi 5.1, but should work with any 4.x or 5.x. - Doesn't require…
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