* Virtual Environments

Nagios plugins for monitoring virtual environments like VMWare, Parallels, Xen, and more.

Showing 31-40 of 100 results.

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Hyper-V CPU counters using check_nt

I was inspired from this article: http://windowsitpro.com/hyper-v/hyper-v-performance-counters Read it to understand what each counter represent and how can it help you. For a Nagios deployment…

License: GPL by: Adrian Lesovici

You can download the latest version and see the full documentation on GitHub. ---------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: Just copy the file check_usolved_omnicube_backup.py into your Nagios plugin directory.…

License: GPL by: Klement
Check snapshots age and number

The script was inspired by "minuti_keytech"'s script check_esx_snapshot. Usage: $0 [esxi_hostname] [warn] [crit] [snapage] where [warn] and [crit] are the allowed numbers of snapshots and…

4.4 (7) License: GPL by: Stefan
Check for orphaned snapshots

Nagios script for checking the existence of orphaned snapshots. - Tested with ESXi 5.1, but should work with any 4.x or 5.x. - Doesn't require…

License: GPL by: Stefan
Check XenServer

Nagios check plugin for xenserver Usage: ./check_xenserver.py [warning level %] [critical level %] see online help for more informations Config file follows ini format. In…

4.5 (6) License: GPL by: Julien Garet

To Do / Wish List Here is a list of items that are going to be addressed sometime in the future: * Look at the…

4.8 (34) License: GPL by: Nagios Exchange
Check Vsphere Datastore 1

Powershell script to Check available size on datastore on VMWare ESX using NRPE and NSclient++

3 (1) License: GPL by: Robin Smit

check_vmware_esx.pl =================== check_vmware_esx.pl - a fork of check_vmware_api.pl General ------- Why a fork? According to my personal unterstanding Nagios, Icingia etc. are tools for a)…

4.1 (9) License: GPL by: Martin Fuerstenau
check esx Snapshots

The script should work with any version of vmware esx/esxi (tested on esx 3.5/4.0/4.1). on early version you have to create an alias for vim-cmd…

5 (3) License: GPL by: egalstad
check_vmfs_https.sh – Check vmfs datastores through https

In commands.cfg you can add, by example: define command{ command_name check_vmfs command_line $USER1$/check_vmfs.sh -V $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ -u $ARG4$ } And in services.cfg…

License: GPL by: Pacséry Károly
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