* Virtual Environments

Nagios plugins for monitoring virtual environments like VMWare, Parallels, Xen, and more.

Showing 21-30 of 100 results.

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check ESX time

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PLUGIN IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND WITHOUT ANY SUPPORT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This plugins monitors ESX time. He compares the time of…

License: Other by: emaintenance
3 (1) License: GPL by: Eric Loyd
check ntp service and drift on esx (use vi perl toolkit)

check_vmware_ntp.pl - based on vi-check-host-time.pl written by Andrew Sullivan - check if ntp service running - check clock offset - check number of peer #…

License: GPL by: arigaud
Check OpenVZ Guaranteed Memory

OpenVZ Linux containers have a notion of 'guaranteed memory' which is typically lower than the total amount of memory available. Since memory is shared among…

License: MIT by: Achim Christ
Cloudviewer (for VMWare vCenter)
License: GPL by: Alexander Stock
Check Active Snapshot on vSphere

I've written this plugin just to discover how many Snapshot are active on our virtual infrastructure. The body of the mail will contains: - the…

5 (2) License: Other by: Simone Vola
Check NTP client

This scripts checks the status of the NTP daemon on a specified ESX host. Status is OK if the NTP client is running, and CRITCAL…

License: GPL by: R. Peters
Check VMware Tools

This script checks for the installation of VMware Tools on a guest VM. The status is OK if VMware Tools is installed, and CRITICAL if…

5 (1) License: GPL by: R. Peters
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