Nagios plugins for monitoring virtual environments like VMWare, Parallels, Xen, and more.
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Version: 1.0 SYNTAX: ./check_esx_cpu_snmp " EXAMPLE: ./check_esx_cpu_snmp myhost.mydomain public 60 80 DESCRIPTION: This plugin will catch CPU Core Load via SNMP the from an VMWare…
Usage: "check_vcsa_mon.php" -H "" -f "/path/to/authfile" -a "" -c "" -o "" NOTE: -H, -f, -c must be specified Options: -h Print this help and…
NSXMon Nagios Library to monitor VMware NSX Devices Command Line Usage: /usr/bin/php NSXMon.php -H "" -f "/path/to/authfile.cfg" -m "" -a "" -c "" -C ""…
Total: 4 | Acknowledged: 3 | Unacknowledged: 1 WARNING! Acknowledged Alarms: Total: 4 | Acknowledged: 4 | Unacknowledged: 0 OK! Acknowledged Alarms: Total: 0 |…
CapacityGB: 1003GB > FreeSpaceGB: 205GB WARNING! Datastore AX4-1 > CapacityGB: 1003GB > FreeSpaceGB: 205GB OK! Datastore AX4-1 > CapacityGB: 1003GB > FreeSpaceGB: 205GB .NOTES Author…
Script is called with IP or fqdn of VCSA as argument argument is only used to be able to call multiple config file for multiple…
check_horizonview I have recently started writing a collection of Nagios checks to monitor Horizon View to flag issues that need investigating. More in-depth monitoring can…
Log in to the server with the nagios user Create a SSH key with with “ssh-keygen” and copy the public key to a notepad: servernagios@nagios:~$cat…
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