Miscellaneous utilities for Nagios.
Showing 21-30 of 37 results.
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This nagios plugin uses the checkrestart script from the debian-goodies to check if any processes are still using old version of updated libs. Perfdata simply…
A suite of monitors for the Kaltura platform written by Jonathan Kanarek. The latest code is available here: License:AGPLv3+ To configure copy monitoring/config.template.ini into…
This nagios monitoring tool is based on a push model. We use a client daemon written in python that runs nagios checks every given interval.…
I loved the nagMailACK found here: but due to security requirements I needed to use NTLM. I used most of his code, making changes…
This script has been written because sometimes (not often) a nagios plugin changes and outputs more (or less) performance data values than before (or in…
Perl script to synchronize Active Directory users to contact and contactgroup objects. This works by: 1. All members of the group defined in “ALL_CONTACTS_GROUP” are…
In short quite a few things to set up to get this all going but once set up it should work away regardless of how…
I only added the lines for doing a new installation of Nagios. You can also use this to do a uninstall of Nagios and opt…
I have written a couple of utilities one to walk a nagios config tree and turn it into a perl hash (called nagparse)and another to…
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