Miscellaneous utilities for Nagios.
Showing 11-20 of 37 results.
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This uses the available on the exchange to find all passive alerts that haven't been acknowledged and send out a new notification. This is…
See for full descriptiion.
This plugin checks all the processes necessary to get an application available. For example to have Oracle DataBase up and running you must have a…
1.01 - Made a quick bug fix after I was able to more solidly test. Its actually testing for proper HOST states and not service…
Please visit my blog for more information on this tool. In case you find a bug or have feature request, please make an issue on…
This script automatically installs and configures NRPE on CentOS/RHEL machines, tested on CentOS 5.x/6.x. It adds the EPEL repository and downloads the required packages for…
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