
Nagios tutorials and HOWTOs

Showing 181-190 of 389 results.

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Other Tutorials And HOWTOs
Define Variables in Nagios Config?
Other Tutorials And HOWTOs
Syncsort back-up checks

Improvements better error/ok definitions. No more emails about changing tapes. etc. etc. Written by Remco Hage RealOpen IT B.V. ? Informaticalaan 7 ? 2628 ZD…

Other Tutorials And HOWTOs
Sophos Antivirus Passive Checks

Written by Remco Hage RealOpen IT B.V. ? Informaticalaan 7 ? 2628 ZD Delft ? The Netherlands Tel (+31) 15-2568969 ? e-mail rhage@realopenit.nl ? www.realopenit.nl

Other Tutorials And HOWTOs
Nagios Monitoring of VMware ESX servers

Technical design uses the VMware command line interface (vCLI) to provide first-level Nagios monitoring and diagnosis; editable control files to specify hosts and services for…

Other Tutorials And HOWTOs
Nagios Monitoring of EMC Equipment

Technical design is based on command line interfaces provided with each EMC equipment type; editable control files to specify hosts and services for monitoring; and…

Other Tutorials And HOWTOs
Nagios V-Shell Review
Other Tutorials And HOWTOs
Scheduled Downtime and Nagios
Other Tutorials And HOWTOs
Monitoring a Cisco Router with Nagios
Other Tutorials And HOWTOs
Protecting Nagios From Zero-Day Exploits with ModSecurity
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