Nagios plugins for monitoring telephony hardware, software, and services (i.e. Asterisk and PBX stuff).
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checks if a murmurd is running, min and max number of users, channels and bans via dbus
verifica los usuarios peers conectados en un servidor asterisk. Muestra el tope de peers y gráfica
chequea el estado de los canales ss7 en un asterisk, genera gráficas. Utiliza el comando asterisk -rx 'ss7 status', lo hace a través de sudo.…
Plugis checks memory usage (both Shared and Private memory allocation) of OpenSIPs SIP server via XML RPC module. Requirements: php5 along php5-xmlrpc module present on…
Small patch is required for IAX2 check to work.
This script checks your voip(buster) account credit and generates a warning or critical if you want to. Just change your username and password in the…
All 26 Services will be monitored. This is my first submitted Script. If you have some inprovements i would be happy to read them. Lukas
he values are returned from one of these rate groups: * g3callratedata * g3callratevoice * g3callratesrv * g3callratemedia * g3callratetotal The returned data is most…
Nagios checks are typically run in 5 minute intervals. Much could happen in between checks, fo example when a lot of short calls are being…
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