* TCP and UDP (Generic)

Nagios plugins for monitoring generic TCP/UDP services.

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* TCP and UDP (Generic)
check_tcp_connections – with netstat and filtered by states

Successfull tested with Raspberry Pi 1 Model B, Nagios 4 + NagiosGraph and Raspbian (Debian). Usage: ./check_tcp_connections -s [a|l|w|e] -w -c Only one state !!!…

License: GPL by: Adrian Drexler
* TCP and UDP (Generic)

USAGE EXAMPLES: Alowed ports are NULL: script -n /usr/bin/nmap -i -p e More regular usage (allowed port is SSH: 22 and HTTP: 445): script…

5 (1) License: GPL by: Zhivko Todorov
* TCP and UDP (Generic)

Simple shell script that uses nmap utility to check if a remote host is listening on a UDP port and what that service is. Usage:…

4.3 (7) License: GPL by: Aaron Eidt
* TCP and UDP (Generic)
License: GPL by: Vahid Hedayati
* TCP and UDP (Generic)

Version 0.9.1, 2013, SvenVD, svenvd.github@gmail.com check_udp_stats.sh is a Nagios plugin to monitor the UDP packets It calculates the average per packet count per minute of…

License: GPL by: SvenVD
* TCP and UDP (Generic)
TCP traffic degradation detection from link utilization

TCP adapts its transmission rate to the available bandwidth. Thus, the performance is degraded before achieving the 100% link occupancy. Some advanced method based on…

License: GPL by: Gradiant
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