Nagios plugins for monitoring different types of system metrics (e.g. disk, memory, cpu, etc.)
Showing 31-40 of 356 results.
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Zimbra script. Counts active IMAP sessions. Script must be started as zimbra user command[check_zimbra_imap_sessions]=sudo -u zimbra /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/
Description: Nagios plugin to make SpeedFan metrics available via speedfanhttpagent based on URL. The plugin generates the service based on Xpath based search Required: Speedfan…
Check an SMB share using SMB1, SMB2, or SMB3. Checks Logon, Access, and if a share exists. Originally built by Steve Beauchemin at Nagios support.…
Check CPU Usage Example: ./ -w 80 -c 90 Output: OK - CPU Usage |CPU_USER=5;;;; CPU_SYSTEM=0;;;; CPU_IDLE=92;;;; CPU_IOWAIT=0;;;; CPU_ST=3;;;;
Currently the plugin has the following subcommands: state - check the current service state of vservers (e.g. lb, vpn, gslb), services and service groups and…
Lightweight, tunable and simple benchmarking tool written in C that can be invoked through NRPE interface and performs tests on memory, CPU, disk and network.…
This plugin checks the docker container internal CPU usage, it retrieves the values using docker stats. The plugin outputs also the performance data. Requirements -…
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