Nagios plugins for monitoring different types of system metrics (e.g. disk, memory, cpu, etc.)
Showing 241-250 of 356 results.
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check_apcaccess.vbs Script to check the output of "apcaccess.exe status" Syntax: check_apcaccess.vbs /v:XXX [/w:YY.YY] [/c:ZZ.ZZ] Parameters: /v: Variable to check (ITEMP, STATUS etc.) /w: Value for…
Need perl, Getopts::Long, IO::Socket Plug in provide hardware monitoring by mbmon daemon (useful for system without lmsensors), you can check hardware state, like CPU/MB temperature,…
Just run this plugin on any Unix/Linux machine with the standard Bash shell installed and it will list all logged in users. You can set…
Returns values from /proc/gulm/lockspace for trending purposes. It currently does not check the values of any of the fields for warning or critical levels. I…
Will check Windows serversharepathfile type addresses, but you may need to alter the NRPE Service privilege to do so. Return the basename of the file…
Checks anonymous listing of SMB shares with smbclient. C.f. check_disk_smb, which checks specific shares.
## Description (plugin in french) * Add a new entry in your scheduler to be launch regularly (every x seconds) * Add a new NAGIOS…
The Job Scheduler is an Open Source project at The purpose of this plugin is to report warnings and errors that occurred during job…
The plugin is maintained on GitHub, visit here for more information.
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