Nagios plugins for monitoring different types of system metrics (e.g. disk, memory, cpu, etc.)
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### NAGIOS COMMANDS DEFINITION define command{ command_name check_smarttemp command_line $USER1$/contrib/ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$ $ARG5$ $ARG6$ } ### NAGIOS SERVICECHECK DEFINITION define service{ use local-service… website recommends Data recovery download software restores lost files and folder from usb drive without wasting time and valuable money. Data recovery software revives…
This plugin check cpu / ram or both for one or more process for all,one or few user. The data is put on graphs Usage:…
examples: ./ -d /var/spool/escenic/newsgate/Extra/export/ -w 70 -c 100 -f OK - There are 0 files in dir /var/spool/escenic/newsgate/Extra/export/|'size'=0;70;100 usage ./ Usage: -d|--dirname [-w|--warning ]…
$ ./check_file_exists_glob -h check_file_exists_glob - Alert if a FILE does not exist. Usage: check_file_exists_glob [options] -d DIR FILE FILE : The file to search for. Can glob using '*' etc, but place file names with glob patterns within quotes. Mandatory. The FILE must always be specified. -d DIR : Base directory to search in. Mandatory option - the DIR must always be specified. -i : Invert FILE, so alert if FILE does exist. -I : Alert if DIR does not exist. -p : Add performance data output for graphing. -w NUM : Warning alert if >=NUM files are found and invert files '-i' is on. (Default is: 1) -c NUM : Critical alert if >=NUM files are found and invert files '-i' is on. (Default is: 1) -h : Display this help text. Example: Check that /tmp/dir/file exists. ./check_file_exists_glob -d /tmp/dir file Check that /tmp/dir/file does NOT exist. ./check_file_exists_glob -d /tmp/dir -i file Again check that /tmp/dir/file does NOT exist but this time alert if the directory it could be found in, /tmp/dir, is missing.…
USAGE: -w warn -c crit -f filtercolumn -f filtercolumn: pgpgin pgpgout fault majflt pgfree - inverted filter pgscank pgscand pgsteal
Lorem ipsum Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Proin eget tortor risus. Proin eget tortor risus. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.