Nagios plugins to monitoring disk and tape storage systems.
Showing 291-297 of 297 results.
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nagios:~> ./check_sstcam CRITICAL - Storage fifi1841: ? ... ? Power Supply Tray.30.PowerSupply.B is not receiving input power
Uses mt to query if a tape is mounted in a tapdrive. Prevents incomplete backups due to forgotten tape changes.
the plugin check with SNMP the state of each ISL and report it to Nagios . Very usefull for SAN. It is finding automatically each…
the plugin check with SNMP the state of each ISL and report it to Nagios
It will be very usefull for the SAN.
This project aims to check the status of various processes associated with SGI's DMF software. It is done using two scripts because I needed to…
check that verifies the status of two controllers, if both are ok (compared against string) output is ok, if one goes by mistake gives warning…
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