Storage Systems

Nagios plugins to monitoring disk and tape storage systems.

Showing 271-280 of 297 results.

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NetApp Space Checker (Example Plugin)

This plugin has been written during a workshop on theNagios-Conference in Nürnberg (Sept. 2008). It checks for free space on all volumes on a given…

NetApp Quota

* Check the defined quota and raise an alarm if a defined percentage of the limit is reached. * Usaqe: ./ * Example output: *…

Hitachi NetApp Nagios Checks

Check commands for use with NetApp units. The OID's were extracted with a MIB Walker and tested with GF940c models. Please modify the check commands…


An updated version of the original check_netapp and check_netapp3 scripts written in perl. Similar to its predecessor, it can check netapp SNMP status on a…


Similar to its predecessor, it can check netapp SNMP status on a number of variables. The logic has been revamped and the script set to…

check_netapp (combined NetApp Health and Quota Check)

A single run like "./check_netapp -H HOSTNAME -C COMMUNITY" will check the following: - fsOverallStatus - all raidPStatus entries - enclPowerSuppliesStatus - enclFansStatus - enclElectronicsStatus…

5 (4) License: GPL by: Günther Mair
check netapp health

This plugin queries the miscGlobalStatus, and maps it to suitable Nagios values.

Check Netapp basic by snmp

Check a NetApp filer via SNMP. Result is only a short string. Spezial thanks to Martin Fuerstenau, Oce Printing Systems for providing a template ;-).…

Tape Drives and Libraries
Overland Storage Neo Series

This plugin checks overland Neo Series library, modules or drives status. This plugin is written in perl and requires the perl module: Net::SNMP. Beta version,…

1 (2) by: Woody
IBM Brocade
IBM 2005 B16 (brocade 200E) fiberswitch

Plugin to check the status of the IBM 2005 B16 Brocade SAN switches. rewrite by Marco Broeken CCiT

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