Storage Subsystem

Nagios plugins for monitoring storage subsystem metrics (e.g. Disk I/O, USB/Firewire statistics, etc).

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Storage Subsystem

It would be useful to be located on one machine targeting another. The chunk size of reads and writes has taken into account the loose…

License: GPL by: mbrownnyc
Storage Subsystem

check_snmp_disks uses SNMP to check disk usage on a host's partitions. It uses a config file to allow setting the warning and critical thresholds for…

5 (2) License: GPL by: XmasBOfH
Storage Subsystem

This is a simple plugin that uses the Amazon::SQS::Client package to monitor the ApproximateNumberOfMessages attribute of a specified Amazon Simple Queue Service queue. If you've…

License: Apache by: David Ruggles
Storage Subsystem

This plugin allows you to check all the disks that are mounted on your monitored system. Diskspace and inode utilization is checked and problems are…

4 (1) License: BSD by: Daniel Siechniewicz
Storage Subsystem

Features: - check health of a gmirror - check health of a graid3 - check health of a gstripe - show status/percentage of synchronization Example…

License: GPL by: Silver Salonen
Storage Subsystem

Description Highly work in progress since I'm currently occupied with kicking off a large Hadoop cluster and the checks are written en passant. Please note…

Storage Subsystem
Storage Subsystem
SNMP Polling

I wrote a Dell OM plugin for the command line on Linux. We had a lot of trouble getting SNMP and OM to run reliably.…

Storage Subsystem

This is my legacy OMSA RAID check plugin. Please do not use this version. Anyone wanting to monitor a Dell server with OMSA installed should…

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