Nagios plugins for monitoring SNMP.

Showing 161-170 of 188 results.

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Check Load Average via SNMP

For more information concerning this plugin call: - check_load_ucd -h - perldoc check_load_ucd

Check ifOperStatus via snmpget

This script checks the ifOperStatus of a network interface via snmpget. The difference with the one provided by the normal distribution of Nagios is that…

Check extensible command table of the UCD-SNMP-MIB

Check extensible command table of the UCD-SNMP-MIB. A table of extensible commands returning output and return codes. These commands are configured via the agent's snmpd.conf…

Check Diskspace via SNMP

for more information concerning this plugin call: - check_disks_ucd -h - perldoc check_disks_ucd

Check Disk Space on windows servers

Check Disk Space on windows servers I had to place an url to upload my script file. But there is no project at my url.…

Check APC PowerChute battery replace status

Simple bash script to check battery replace status via snmp from powerchute. Needs snmpget. Needs APC PowerChute on the Server. Command: check_powerchute $HOSTADDRESS$

Check AP on WS5000 Symbol Switch

Checks if a Action Point on WS5000 Switch is okay (through SNMP). The script has to be located in the same dir as and…

bulk SNMP check

Check all OIDs specified in the command line and all objects underneath Anything other than zero under .101.x is considered an error usage: $0 options…

Brocade switches check_snmp_brocade

Plugin to check the status of Brocade SAN switches. The switches this script and the Nagiosgrapher ncfg file supports: Brocade 4900 Brocade 5000 My two…

Barracuda check_snmp_barracuda

Plugin to check the status of the three mail queues of the barracude mail and spam filter system. I used the check_barracuda_queue plugin of fpater…

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