Nagios plugins to monitoring vendor-specific server hardware (by manfucaturer).
Showing 111-119 of 119 results.
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Check parameters like array status, psu temperature, ... Contains the hp mibs from HPs foundation pack 7.3 Version 2.0 with usable performance output, -h option
This script requires the HP Insight Management Agents as well as the System Management Homepage application to be installed on each server. Due to the…
The components checked for failures and/or operation outside the normal range are CPUs, power supplies, fans, temperatures and memory modules. The latest release also checks… is a check plugin to check hardware status of HP/Compaq Proliant servers using only the /sbin/hpasmcli binary. It is written in Python and depends…
This plugin checks the linkstatus of an IBM Communication Server with the included 'snaadmin' tool. be sure to add this tool to your system path…
Nagios plugin to monitor IBM AS400
This plugin test the state of CPU of NEC/BULL servers. SNMP agent ESMPRO must be installed and correctly configured on the monitored server. Copyright (C)…
Apple OS X Servers run a command and control daemon on port 311 which uses XML to send and receive commands and report status. This…
INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PLUGIN This plugin checks the status of objects monitored by Dell OpenManage via SNMP and returns OK, WARNING, CRITICAL or UNKNOWN. If…
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