
This category contains addons, plugins, and other useful widgets from developers participating in Nagios Seedcamp 2010.
Contestants must post their submission online here for the community to see.  Contestants can link to their own websites to provide community members with additional information on their project.

Showing 1-10 of 10 results.

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Seedcamp 2010
check_cap: check Common Alerting Protocol feeds

Currently supports all jurisdictions of the United States. Future plans include expanding to include Canadian feeds, and possibly building a wizard to help users find…

4.2 (6) License: BSD by: Tony Yarusso
Seedcamp 2010
Nagios XI Group Creation Tool

Version Notes: 2010-08-01 Initial release

Seedcamp 2010
Nagios Core 32bit Windows Installer

Bringing the power of Linux to a landscape such as Windows is a complex, but often requested, task. There are several solutions and not many…

Seedcamp 2010
Nagios XI Google Map Integration Component

Display host status as an overlay on a Google Map within Nagios XI. Uses lat/long coordinates to identify host location. Version 1.1 support polylines for…

Seedcamp 2010
MSSQL Job Monitoring

1.Download extract that file.Folder contains SqlJobMon.class,, sqljdbc.jar, MSSQL_JOB.doc, a folder which consists of java source code. 2. Copy files SqlJobMon.class,, and sqljdbc.jar…

3.4 (24) by: Mutharasu
Seedcamp 2010

We all know that Nagios has this nice feature of Alerts/Notifications being mailed to Contacts specified in configuration file. To ACK these Notifications currently there…

3.7 (7) by: AbhishekKr
Seedcamp 2010
CMon :: CMDB-2-Nagios

CMon ("C" like "CMDB" and "Mon" like "Monitoring") is a bridge between your CMDB and your monitoring system. The basic idea is: CMDB holds information…

Seedcamp 2010
Dell OpenManage Nagios XI Wizard

The monitoring of Dell OpenManage is performed by a modified version of the script written by Jason Ellison. Many thanks to Jason for helping…

5 (4) License: GPL by: Nagios Exchange
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