Nagios plugins for monitoring security software.
Showing 51-60 of 113 results.
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Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection. Download it here: ./ --help usage: [ options ] -H --host KDC host ($KDC_HOST, $HOST) -P…
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection. Download it here: Nagios Plugin to check Kerberos is working by getting a TGT from the…
A plugin to check the Centrify ( service running on a local machine. It will report CPU and Memory of the adclient process, the zone,…
Usage: ./check_crl_url -U -w -c -U The URL of the CRL file (eg. -w Warning notice on X days remaining before expiration (default 15)…
$ ./check_crl_bulk -h check_crl_bulk - Check the 'Next Update' field of a number of CRL, Certificate Revocation List, files in bulk. Usage: check_crl_bulk [options] -h : Display this help text. -c DIR : Location of the directory containing CRL files. (Default is: /etc/crl) -i REGX : Include files matching the REGX regular expression. Specify more than once to add more include expressions. -x REGX : Exclude files matching the REGX regular expression. Specify more than once to add more exclude expressions. -f : Make REGX searches FILE GLOBS instead. In this case a '.' will match a dot only and '*' will be needed. -n NUM : Expected number of files. -p : Add performance data for graphing. -v : Be more verbose. Show file names and status. -w NUM : Warn if a CRL is within NUM hours of expiring. Examples: Check all files in the default directory, '/etc/crl': ./check_crl_bulk Check all files. Show a warning if a CRL will expire within 2 days. ./check_crl_bulk -w 48 Exclude all files names containing ".p7" and 5178 in their name:…
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