Nagios plugins for monitoring security software.
Showing 31-40 of 113 results.
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A simple bash script to check if the ssl certificate is getting expire. If getting expired in 10 days then it will alert. Syntax: script…
Help output from the check - CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent.php - v1.0.0 This plugin checks that the host sends a list of acceptable client certificate CAs and optionally…
This check connects to a specified host:port with OpenSSL to determine the signing algorithm used on the server certificate. If the signing algorithm is on…
check_nids_interfaces is a Nagios plugin designed to test NIDS sensor network capture interfaces for specified traffic in order to check if the interface is receiving…
Script language : Bash Usage : ./ -u [URL] -{OPTIONS} [URL] (STRING - required) Url must be provided without http:// or https:// {OPTIONS} -w WARNING…
Plugin made by Edouard Lamoine This plugin is verifying if no unexpected ports are listening on the localhost. Copy the plugin in the nagios plugins…
Plugin made by Edouard Lamoine This plugin check the local UFW status. Copy the plugin in the nagios plugins directory (here we assume it's /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/)…
Test online at
The plugin currently supports setting a threshold against only critical, but I may improve this to set a threshold for high at some point. Performance…
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