
Nagios plugins for monitoring security software.

Showing 101-110 of 113 results.

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Checks vpn connection status of an openswan or strongswan installation. Usage: check_ipsec --tunnels ./check_ipsec --tunnels 10 OK - All 10 tunnels are up an running…


This is written in PHP and uses PHP SNMP functions to perform these checks. The plugin also support performance data so that you can graph…

License: GPL by: Mike Seigafuse
VPN Software
check_remote (ping_remote)

You may wish to monitor the status of a tunnel via NRPE_NT's cmd facility when your NAGIOS server is also remote from the server. Steps…

VPN Software
Monitor an IPsec VPN tunnel on OpenBSD

Theory The way of getting the status of IPsec on OpenBSD is buy running: ipsecctl -s s esp tunnel from x.x.x.x to y.y.y.y spi 0xe58a63d3…


Will check if the nfast hardserver is running and in 'operational' mode, if the Security World is 'Initialised' and 'Usable' and if the correct smartcard…

VPN Software

some minor changes and it works.... but if "Common Name" is not connected, we print a "WARNING".

Firewall Software
Check Fail2Ban Status

This script will check if the fail2ban server is running. If it is up it will give some performance data that can be parsed by…


About ===== The Check Plugin counts events with severities medium and high during the last 5 minutes. It then produces a WARNING or an CRITICAL…

Firewall Software
Check Fail2Ban Service

This Plugin is written to monitor the Fail2ban Service on Linux hosts, just a check if it is responding or not. More Details in my…

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