Nagios plugins to monitor SAN (Storage Area Network) and NAS (Network Attached Storage) devices, controllers, software, etc.
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You need to set up SSH Key authentication for the monitoring user (see below). Instructions/Documentation: you need ssh keyless authentication for this plugin. You can…
This plugin checks EMC VNXe storage system and returns pass/fail result for the components checked. The following components can be checked: ssd ps iomodule dae…
Monitor Fujitsu Disk storage system. The ETERNUS DX Nagios Plugin provides the following monitoring functions for the ETERNUS Disk storage system that are linked with…
Bash script to check the health of hp eva and P storage series manage by Hp command view. You need the sssu binary and appropriate…
What is check_vmax? ------------------- This plugin for Nagios is used to monitor RF and FA adapters, Power Supply stati and thin pool usage of EMC…
This script checks the health of DataDirect's S2A-based storage products using SNMP. You will need to enable SNMP on your storage controllers and configure the…
You will need to have already discovered/added the arrays via smeecli and smeegui. You might also need to run this script with sudo (I wouldn't…
Taken from and modified for SAN/IQ 10.0, you need the following mib loaded: LEFTHAND-NETWORKS-NSM-CLUSTERING-MIB.mib LEFTHAND-NETWORKS-GLOBAL-REG-MIB.mib LEFTHAND-NETWORKS-NSM-MIB.mib Added IOPS performance. Usage: ./check_lhc VIPADDRESS COMMUNITY WARNING…
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