Remote Access

Nagios plugins for monitoring various types of remote access / remote desktop / thin client technologies (e.g. VNC, Citrix, Microsoft RDP).

Showing 11-19 of 19 results.

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Remote Access
Count number of terminal server sessions

@ECHO OFF REM CALLING SEQUENCE: command[nrpe_nt_check_users]=c:nrpe_ntpluginscheck_user_count.bat warninglevel criticallevel SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET /a COUNT=0 SET /a WARNING=%1 SET /a CRITICAL=%2 SET CURRENTUSERS= REM PULL THE NAMES…

4.7 (6) by: Brian Dent
Remote Access
Check VNC (perl)

This script does not try to authenticate; it speaks just enough of the VNC protocol to merely check the RFB version. Any improvements welcome. Uses…

License: Other by: ktdreyer
Remote Access

Check number of specific (or all) Citrix sessions, on specific Citrix Presentation Server (or entire Citrix farm), depends on arguments. Also, total number of (unique)…

Remote Access

I tried the supplied here, but for some reason I couldn't get anything other than zeros out of it, so I did this one…

Remote Access

This plugin is written in perl and requires the perl module: Net::SNMP. Tested Netscaler v9.

5 (1) by: Woody
Remote Access

This plugin is written in perl and requires the perl module: Net::SNMP. Tested Netscaler v9.

3.7 (3) by: Woody
Remote Access

Documentation Tests VNC on a remote machine, including logging in and taking a screen shot. It accepts a standard vnc credential file with which to…

Remote Access

Primary uses: 1) check telnet banner for a matching return string. 2) log in via telnet and run specified command, check output for string. Handy…

Remote Access
count logged in Citrix users (SNMP)

The script is written in Perl an as such quite quick. If there is more than one server in your Citrix farm you may do…