Remote Access

Nagios plugins for monitoring various types of remote access / remote desktop / thin client technologies (e.g. VNC, Citrix, Microsoft RDP).

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Remote Access
check_softeth by Ryan Wilgoss

This plugin monitors the services that make up the SoftEth VPN server. It requires that the SoftEtherVPN server is installed as per the standard instructions…

License: GPL by: Ryan Wilgoss
Remote Access

check_cisco_ssh_user_login 1.0 License This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms…

License: GPL by: Franz Skale
Remote Access
Cisco VPN active sessions

check_cisco_cras_sessions is a Nagios Core compatible plugin for checking the active sessions on a Cisco Remote Access Server (cras) device. It can check overall or…

License: GPL by: Vicente Gavara
Remote Access
RDP Link

The script php-rdp-builder downloaded from Thanks to author. 1. Get the script and put it to nagios web folder (/usr/local/nagios/share). 2. Give access to…

5 (1) by: Yury
Remote Access (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here: ./ --help Nagios Plugin to test SSH login credentials. Originally written to verify the…

Remote Access

check_cisco_cras_sessions is a Nagios Core compatible plugin for checking the active VPN sessions on a Cisco Remote Access Server (cras) device. Among others, Cisco ASA…

License: GPL by: Vicente Gavara
Remote Access

Check the available CAL's on a Windows 2008 (R2) Terminsal Server License server. This checks the number of available CAL's ignoring the temporary and built-in…