Showing 1-10 of 19 results.
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Simple check postfix queue
# Auteur : Belgotux # Site : # Licence : CC-BY-NC-SA # Version : 1.0 # Date : 21/08/18 # changelog # v1.0 check…
Check Queued Emails Requests
1. Add to visudo your nrpe (NAGIOS) user 2. Add the following to nrpe.cfg: command[check_queue]=sudo /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -w 40 -c 50 3. /etc/init.d/nrpe restart or /etc/init.d/nagios-nrpe-server…
Check Postfix Mailqueue 2
USAGE: / -w 'Warning level for active mails' -c 'Critical level for active mail' / -h will give you more information and source code is…
check_greylist is a Nagios plugin, for checking the normal operation of a Postfix greylisting policy-daemon. The Postfix mail server can use policy-deamons to accecpt, reject,…
check_postqueue (edouard.lamoine)
Plugin made by Edouard Lamoine This plugin is checking the Postfix queue, and allow user to pass WARNING and CRITICAL thresholds. Copy the plugin in…
Barracuda Reputation Alert
**Written in Python 2.7.4 and currently in production on v2.7.4 and v2.6. No other versions of Python have been tested** Place the 'cudacheck' file in…
http://www.keysource.beNagios plugin to return Information from Queue Postfix by SNMP Usage: [-H hostname] [-c communauty] [-w warning] [-c critical] -H Hostname -C Communauty -w…
Check Zimbra Mailbox Quota
Example of usage on the server Zimbra : $ARGV0 : Warning Alert $ARGV1 : Critical Alert ./ $ARGV0 $ARGV1 ./ 90 95 Example of usage…