Plugins allow you to monitor anything and everything with Nagios – databases, operating systems, applications, network equipment, protocols and more!
Showing 41-50 of 4386 results.
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check_lenovo_storage check Hardware for lenovo thinksystem storage via REST API prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client, Data::Dumper, Monitoring::Plugin, MIME::Base64, JSON, LWP::UserAgent, Readonly to…
check_esg_health check vmware esg health via nsx rest api [PERL] prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client,Data::Dumper,Getopt::Long,MIME::Base64,LWP::UserAgent,IO::Socket::SSL to install them you can use cpan…
Check Azure pipeline run Usage: [-v] -t -i -s -p -T -d -P -v, --verbose print extra debugging information -h, --help print this help…
check_haproxy_stats check_haproxy_stats is a Nagios check for Haproxy using the statistics page Source to the original script : prerequisites This script uses theses libs…
check_scaleway_bddredis This is a Nagios check that use Scaleways's REST API to check if the Redis bdd is up and get metric [ALL][PERL] prerequisites…
check_scaleway_bdd This is a Nagios check that use Scaleway's REST API to check if the bdd is up and get metric prerequisites This script…
check_hycu_target Nagios check that use HYCUs REST API to get HYCU target storage usage and status prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client, Data::Dumper,…
check_hycu_backup_vm Nagios check that uses HYCU's REST API to get backup status prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client, Data::Dumper, Getopt::Long, Monitoring::Plugin, MIME::Base64, JSON,…
Lorem ipsum Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Proin eget tortor risus. Proin eget tortor risus. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.