Plugins allow you to monitor anything and everything with Nagios – databases, operating systems, applications, network equipment, protocols and more!
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Usage: [-v[v]] domain For command: define command{ command_name check_zone command_line /usr/bin/perl $USER1$/ $ARG1$ } Note the use of /usr/bin/perl in front of the command…
Run with no parameters to get a usage message. Requires the following perl modules installed (some may already be installed): Getopt::Long; LWP::UserAgent; HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST GET);…
This plugin checks a MySQL database for new entries in a specified time interval. You can change the variables at the beginning to adapt the…
##### Created by Joe McShinsky ##### #! /bin/bash if [ $# -ne 3 ] then echo "Usage: [host] [1st hop] [2nd hop]" exit 3… is a perl plugin, which checks wether the ndo database was updated in a given time period. Usage: ./ -H -P -d -u -p…
checks to see if mysql slave sql is running. written in a shell script, so its easily portable.
The script does not (and can not) detect "stupid" rules. It's purpose is to ensure that iptables and the configured rules (whatever they may be)…
checks to see if mysql slave io is running. written in a shell script, so its easily portable.
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