Plugins allow you to monitor anything and everything with Nagios – databases, operating systems, applications, network equipment, protocols and more!
Showing 4241-4250 of 4386 results.
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Description is a Nagios plugin to monitor the UDP packet loss via netstat. It writes a temporary file to a configurable directory and compares…
Very simple bash script for checking that the primary route is active. add to nagiosgraph map file for a graph that should always be 0…
This plugin checks all networking bridges using STP. The check figures if the first bridge port is in FORWARDING state and no other ports are…
It tries to get SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0. Because this is a standard value it should work on all operating systems. Beside the OK message it displays the…
the plugin check with SNMP the state of each ISL and report it to Nagios . Very usefull for SAN. It is finding automatically each…
the plugin check with SNMP the state of each ISL and report it to Nagios
It will be very usefull for the SAN.
If the port channel is down it will return critical. If the speed is 2gb, then it returns ok. If the speed is 1gb, then…
The plugin is a enhanced and modified version of from R3dL!GhT. 19.05.2009 - New version. Corrects a minor bug. In case the cache file…
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