* Plugin Packages

Packages/distributions of multiple Nagios plugins.

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* Plugin Packages

Plugin to detect any services that are continually failing and restarting. USAGE: ./check_short_running_procs.sh [-S|service_name] [-w/--warning] [-c/--critical] #Ex: ./check_short_running_procs.sh -S apache2 -w 30 -c 240

* Plugin Packages
Switch 3com link

This script checks the link port status from 3COM superstack 4400 and 3226.

License: GPL by: Alejandro
* Plugin Packages
check mcneel zoo license servers

This Plugin checks McNeel Zoo License servers for activity and license usage per product. Once all licenses of one product are in use the plugin…

License: Other by: max
* Plugin Packages
unattended_upgrades reboot required (Ubuntu/Debian)

This plugin is for users of unattended_upgrades that want to know when they need to reboot their systems. Please note this will only work for…

5 (1) License: GPL by: Jivan Amara
* Plugin Packages
SHD Open Source Plugins

The SHD Open Source Nagios Plugins are a collection of Nagios 3 Plugins from SM-BOX, a Product of SHD GmbH. For instructions about installation and…

License: GPL by: Stefan Kauerauf
* Plugin Packages

My collection of monitoring plugins for Nagios and similar monitoring systems. Contains a broad range of plugins for monitor thinks like: CUPS, libVirt, NFS/SUN-RPC, RedHat…

4.5 (2) License: GPL by: Marius Rieder
* Plugin Packages
check HDD health

This script check HDD from S.M.A.R.T this values: - Spin Retry Count - Reallocated Sector Ct - Reallocated Event Count - Current Pending Sector -…

* Plugin Packages

Plugins included are: check_ad (checks active directory) check_adaptec (checks adaptec RAID controllers) check_antivirus (checks antivirus program status) check_cpu (checks CPU utilization) check_disk_free (checks free space…