* Plugin Development Tools

Tools that help with Nagios plugin development.

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* Plugin Development Tools

Naptor is Nagios Application Monitor, for help you monitoring your backend application process. You can use this application only on same server (your application and…

License: GPL by: Agung Riyadi
* Plugin Development Tools

Prerequisite: You need to install the package speedtest-cli Usage: ./check_speedtest.py -t all --wp 30 --cp 40 --wd 40 --cd 30 --wu 15 --wu 10

* Plugin Development Tools

Pre-requisite: You need to have the package lm-sensors installed on your system. Usage: ./check_sensors.sh -n 'Core' -w 50 -c 60" The -n argument will match…

License: GPL by: Julien Boisdequin
* Plugin Development Tools
Kunjumon – define services using xml

Kunjumon is a framework that can be used to create plugins for Nagios monitoring system, without writing any new code. The plugins thus created are…

License: MIT by: egalstad
* Plugin Development Tools

This is not a Nagios plugin. This is just a script that takes an infile with IPs and HOSTs and creates a NAGIOS config file.…

* Plugin Development Tools

# 2013-08-09 # Updated after a suggestion by Rune Nilssen # Thanks for the suggestion Rune! Usage: $SCRIPT -|--f|F|FUN|function|FUNCTION -|--h|H|host|HOST -|--p|P|port|PORT -|--t|T|time|TIME|timeout -|--s|S|secret|SECRET -|--cl|CL|client|CLIENT -|--r|R|rad|RAD|radius|RADIUS|radiusattributes|RADIUSATTRIBUTES…

* Plugin Development Tools
check freeradius/radius auth/acct/status advanced and fully featured

# 2013-08-09 # Updated after a suggestion by Rune Nilssen # Thanks for the suggestion Rune! check_freeradius.pl 1.0.1 Usage: check_freeradius.pl -|--f|F|FUN|function|FUNCTION -|--h|H|host|HOST -|--p|P|port|PORT -|--t|T|time|TIME|timeout -|--s|S|secret|SECRET…

* Plugin Development Tools

check_mrtgtraf.pl 1.0.1 Usage: check_mrtgtraf.pl -|--f|F|FUN|function|FUNCTION -|--l|L|log|LOG|logfile|LOGFILE -|--w|W|warn|WARN|warning|WARNING Warning threshold in bytes , -|--c|C|crit|CRIT|critical|CRITICAL critical threshold in bytes , -|--u|un|UNIT unit for , thresholds -|--v|V|VERSION |version…

* Plugin Development Tools
check_snmp_attributes.pl – experimental plugin base & library

The syntax for defining data is an expression in a reverse polish notation as with HP calculators with a stack used for data processing. If…

License: GPL by: William Leibzon
* Plugin Development Tools

Almost ready for use windows cmd batch. You should just correct path to your 'checking program' or 'checking batch'. Your 'checking program' should return ERRORLEVEL.…

License: GPL by: Roman Kiprin