
User-contributed patches for Nagios.  Note that some of these may already be incorporated in current versions of Nagios.  Additionally, the official method for supplying patches for Nagios is to email the nagios-devel mailing list.  We’re providing these patches because you just might be interested in them.

Showing 11-20 of 26 results.

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Nagios Core
MultiURL Patch

This patch, currently against Nagios 3.2.1 , changes the parsing of action_url and notes_url by the CGI-bins. For example, if you specify notes_url '/wiki?page=$HOSTNAME$' '/stats?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=$SERVICEDESC$'…


It is recomended to remove all message queues owned by user nagios before ndoutils startup. This can be achieved by script: for i in `ipcs…

Nagios Core
IPv6 address in host definition patch

This patch is useful if you are monitoring servers and services in dual-stack environment. Essentially it allows you to add IPv6 address to your host…

4.5 (2) License: GPL by: Julius Kriukas
Nagios Core
Command CGI Scheduled Downtime Patch

We have monitoring servers shared by several customers. Problem is that one user can enter a downtime and sees the other user's machines by using…

Nagios Core
HARD services states in Tactical Overview

This patch was done to avoid showing unimportant alerts such as CPU going high for some minutes, memory, etc... This is only interesting to have…

Nagios Core
statusmap resizing with exclude/include buttton

Hi, I'm currently using nagios3, and I would like to propose a patch to change the behaviour of the statusmap cgi. It may not interest…

4.8 (5) by: Mat
Nagios Core
SNMP Community Patches – Nagios 2.x

To use this patch, add to your hosts definitions the variable community with the SNMP community of the host: define host{ use Template host_name XXXX…

Nagios Core
Patch to increase performance of Nagios CGIs – Nagios 2.x

The patch, made by Michel Loiselleur (Linagora/TM2L), increase performance of Nagios CGIs. It replaces linked list by hash table for searching services. The performance are…

Nagios Core
Display Service status into statusmap – Nagios 2.x

# cd nagios-2.0b5 # patch -p1 -i ../patch-statusmap-nagios-2.0b5.patch # ./configure ...... # make # make install restart apache

Nagios Core
configure a second IP-address for each Host v2 0 – Nagios 2.x

There was a request to create this patch for Nagios v2.0 as well as for 1.2. Here it is... However, this patch will work for…

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