
User-contributed patches for Nagios.  Note that some of these may already be incorporated in current versions of Nagios.  Additionally, the official method for supplying patches for Nagios is to email the nagios-devel mailing list.  We’re providing these patches because you just might be interested in them.

Showing 1-10 of 26 results.

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This is a simple patch to make multiplications of the check_snmp results. The multiplier can be defined with -M option. Tested version: nagios-plugins-2.2.1 APPLING PATCH…

5 (1) License: GPL by: Marcus Vinicius
Nagios Core
Show service state in statusmap – Nagios 4.x

Add service status color to the statusmap.cgi for Nagios 4.x Tested with Nagios 4.1.1 Install ------------------ Go to nagios install directory where the cgi files…

5 (1) by: d3shade
Application patch checker

Works only with Debian at present. Pass a space separated field of application names and the script will check to see if the applications need…

Nagios Core
Nagios 4 init script for SLES 11

Update 1.2: Fix "new line" when use restart command Update 1.1: Fix "new line" when use restart command I edited nagios 4 init default script…

Nagios Core

cfg_map adds a page to the core Nagios GUI that maps out your objects in your .cfg files. You get a quick hierarchical map of…

4 (1) License: GPL by: RichardLynch

The patch is adding new feature in core nagios. It allos to integrate nagios with documentation -HowTo systems like Wiki, mediawiki,Confluence .. etc. It is…

3.8 (4) License: GPL by: Arsen Ghevondyan
Nagios Core
Hover Popup for Host Groups

We've been using this internally for a while, really handy in our opinion. Seeing that 3.4.1 (we updated straight from 3.3.1) already added JavaScript stuff…

License: Other by: Pekka Korolainen
Nagios Core
nagios embedded perl that lets redirect STDOUT

Normally embedded nagios redirects STDOUT to internal variable and does not let nagios plugins redirect if further. And normally plugins would really not need to…

License: GPL by: William Leibzon
Nagios Core
Disabled Status Patch

Apply patch to nagios source and recompile. If you have different version of nagios then what patches are available, try first one for older nagios…

License: GPL by: William Leibzon
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